Balance in Harmony

As a collective whole, we have had a lot to face this year.  A virus, quarantine, uncertainty, facing beliefs and understanding values.  A forced direction change or a realization one needed to be made.  We are now halfway through 2020 so now what? Are you re-evaluating beliefs?  Recognizing values have either been aligned or misaligned? Are you finding harmony or still wondering where the balance is? It is not easy and is uncomfortable allowing yourself to be uncomfortable for appreciation and accepting uncertainty. 

Within all of this some have seen it as an opportunity to be with what they value most. While others have looked closer at their beliefs and taking inventory of them within themselves wondering if they are matching their values or if they have been adopted by an influence or influences.  It has been a lot to evaluate, consider and adjust.  With all that has happened have you found harmony or balance?  Or have you created harmony in discover of what balance truly is for you?

Now is a good time to consider if the routine you had before worked for you or against you.  Were you doing it to get through to be safe, because if you give up now then none of it will make sense or have been worth it? Is it or was it really worth putting yourself through that routine? Or have you allowed the uncertainty in the discomfort to bring to light what it is that you desire for harmony in balance?

It is awkward, uncomfortable, untimely and a sense of no control having to be still and facing uncertainty.  It is when you really sit with your fears.  The ones you have been ignoring and not facing for a while.  The truths in the behaviours of how you respond and how others respond to you.  Feeling the joy of getting up everyday to a knowing that what you are doing is helping not only you but someone else to be and feel that achievement that connects you to the certainty of why you do what you do.

Harmony in balance is when your connection to family, work, play, yourself is a reciprocal giving and receiving.  A filling up of your cup and also sharing what is in that cup to feel your true hearts potential and joy in authentically being you.  The disconnect happens when your cup is not being filled up because of a loss of that joy within one or more of those areas.  You cannot give what you yourself are not feeling you have within. You cannot give from an empty shell of what looks like you but isn’t you.

Emotions, beliefs, truths of identity and validating those truths  have been brought to the surface during this time.  Choosing to visit it to release it is a choice.  You may or may not be ready to. And that is ok.  It may feel so overwhelming, that what your inner knowing is telling you to do may have left you questioning the choice for what looks like your heading for instability.  Which questions have you been  stable?  Re-evaluating your beliefs and values and seeing if they align and are authentic. Do they match that of what you desire for your career, family, partner and yourself? Being ready to answer and address this question is trusting you will and are ready to do so.

Cycles continue because they don’t fully end.  Moving from one job to the next carrying everything of what you don’t want, is influenced on what you are creating and developing in a new job.  This is also the same with relationships, family, and also within you.  In order for a cycle to end there needs to be an understanding that  recognizing the actions and scenarios of what led to the ending.  A conscious awareness that allows you to release repeating patterns.

Harmony is an inside job.  It is then reflected in your environment to create balance.  It is a process of feeling and releasing pain, anger, reflected awareness, understanding you and others to forgive to end cycles. Seeing how harmony can be in balance with all your relationships and environments.  Understanding your beliefs and values may have changed from what they were.  Allowing them to change, grieving and accepting what once was is not what now is.  And that is ok.

Be Well In All Ways