Connect With Lunar Guidance

This course will align you with your natural rhythm with the moon by working with the elements, ascended masters and goddesses by rewinding to unwind. What was learned within your immediate circle of influences, technology, ignoring your internal compass, wisdom and intuition disconnecting you from what you are driven to rediscover. Your natural circadian rhythm, the unexplored and unspoken truths, reconnecting to the natural spiritual connection with the moon, sun, mother earth and father sky. You will be learning how to release and manifest with the 8 phase moon cycle, feel the natural energetic flow of air / water / fire / earth / storm within, release
untrue beliefs & language to discover what the real truths are, feeling at home within your environment, creating the supportive foundation that you know is within you which has been ignored or forgotten which is calling to you to explore to release and let guide you. Your inner guidance. read more

Ascension Happens When Trust Begins

Ascension is the activation of the stored hidden knowledge in your heart.  Expressing your truth, suppressed words and sight activating to access stored wisdom aligning to the soul’s truth.  Truth is sacred.  Rituals are the agreement to establish the bond creating access points within the heart for the soul’s expansion.  Moon energy permits renewal each cycle regenerating and expanding the soul’s truth.  Shedding, releasing, letting go of the beliefs that contain your stored truth accepting, honouring and allowing the expansion with your sacred bond. Your rite of passage. read more

Balance in Harmony

As a collective whole, we have had a lot to face this year.  A virus, quarantine, uncertainty, facing beliefs and understanding values.  A forced direction change or a realization one needed to be made.  We are now halfway through 2020 so now what? Are you re-evaluating beliefs?  Recognizing values have either been aligned or misaligned? Are you finding harmony or still wondering where the balance is? It is not easy and is uncomfortable allowing yourself to be uncomfortable for appreciation and accepting uncertainty.  read more

Exposing Vulnerability

Our culture has taught us vulnerability is a weakness.  Feelings and exposing them meant you weren’t strong, independent and that someone failed you to stand on your own.  In teaching this our relationships with family, partners and ourselves became confusing and hard to understand.  making it difficult to allow connection and closeness.  Why should I show you my weakness when I am supposed to be strong?   read more

Receiving Messages From Water

Each morning I like to greet the day, ground to Mother Earth and feel the energy from her and feel it from the elements all around me.  This morning as I did this I felt a flow of water enter my auric field and wash down both arms.  Then I was shown a series of pictures of water in its different states.  The connection between us and this element is ever moving, restorative and transitional. read more

Seeing The Illusion

The incredible feeling of loss, confusion, self doubt, abandonment of a dream or hope as something you’ve tried to create and telling yourself “this is it! This is my new beginning!” Is devastating.  The old familiar awareness “everything I try to create just crumbles” sneaks in.  “When is it going to be my turn?” But were you really present in the moment and being available for you, or were you creating from the knowledge of past experiences? read more

Acknowledging Fear Is Easier Than Acknowledging Shame

Understanding the path to self love is identifying what is or has prevented you from seeing it.  It is allowing yourself to become intimate with the different emotions stored in the memories which have created the internal blocks.  The more predominant ones will be the memories from what you have experienced starting in childhood progressing into adulthood which prevent you from becoming truly being acceptable and comfortable with your authentic self.  read more

Seeds Of Awareness Are Sown From The Soil Of Ignorance

“What you don’t know, you don’t know” ,”Ignorance is bliss”, “This is how its always been done, so this is how it gets done” are opportunity statements.  They are opportunity for a closer look at choices you have taken to live and operate in tolerance, just getting by, avoiding or ignoring change or a desire to change because it would mean changing routine not just for yourself but for others if you have other people you are responsible for. read more

The Source of Compassion

To truly feel and display compassion is knowing the source of where it comes.  It may even test your patience, stir up memories of how it was shown or given to you, also choices in your behaviour or actions when interacting with others in different situations.  So what is the source? That source is love.  How you love, how you display love and how you choose to love.  Compassion is understanding, nurturing, cultivating, holding space with the removal of judgement or comparison of how you yourself would handle a particular situation. read more